In 1963, Puerto Vallarta was a humble fishing village, clinging to the strip of sand along Banderas Bay. That’s the year John Huston decided his iconic film, Night of the...
The once sleepy fishing village of Puerto Vallarta is now a bustling city, featuring world class restaurants, exciting outdoor activities and a tropical climate that dreams are made of. With...
Photo credit: thetravelbite CC BY-NC-ND Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is a well-known travel destination and draws visitors from across the globe. Whether you’re celebrating your honeymoon, taking a break from...
Photo credit: R J Ruppenthal CC BY-NC-SA Bucerias, which translates to English as “Place of Divers,” has become a popular vacation spot for people who are looking for quieter,...
There’s good reason almost 4 million people visit Puerto Vallarta each year. The once sleepy fishing village is now a bustling city, featuring world class restaurants, exciting outdoor activities and...
If you’re planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta, there’s no part of town more characteristically Mexican than the Romantic Zone. Vista del Sol condominiums, located on Los Muertos Beach, is...
Imagine living the life you’ve always dreamed of in a tropical paradise. Located on the sandy shores of Banderas Bay, Punta Mita is known for its luxurious villas, golf courses...
If you’re planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta, there’s no part of town more characteristically Mexican than “Old Town”, also known as the Romantic Zone. Here’s where you’ll find the...
In 1963, the tiny village of Mismaloya, just south of Puerto Vallarta, could only be reached by boat. There was no electricity. That didn’t stop famed Hollywood director John Huston...
Imagine living the life you’ve always dreamed of in a tropical paradise. Located on the sandy shores of Banderas Bay, Punta Mita is known for its luxurious villas, golf courses...