Mexico is teeming with idyllic, amazing vacation spots. One of the most popular destinations here among locals and foreigners is Puerto Vallarta. If you’re into property leasing and would like to have the chance to take advantage of the popularity of this area and earn some extra revenue, opting for condo rental in Puerto Vallarta can be a good idea.
To make the most out of your investment and ensure that you always have good business all year round with your condo rental, here are some tips you can follow:
List with a trusted real estate agency and other companies–You can always attract interested holidaymakers and other people who need a temporary space to stay in while they are in Puerto Vallarta by listing your property with a reliable and well-known real estate agency. You can alsoconsider listing your property with a reputable vacation condo rental company as well. By doing both, you can get assurance that there will always be people living in your condo and paying rent.
Be flexible and always respond to queries of agents and potential lessors, even if you are already booked–Aside from real estate agents, potential lessors will also sometimes get in touch with you directly. If they contact you and ask about your condo, don’t ignore them simply because you currently have tenants. A lot of people have flexible holiday schedules. Don’t miss out on any potential business by politely responding to everyone and encouraging them to book at another date when your condo is free.
Add some personal touches to your condo – To get repeat customers, let them know that you appreciate their patronage. You can make your guests feel welcome by leaving them a card or handwritten note thanking them for their business or even a welcome basket with some inexpensive gifts or goodies such as towels (wet and dry ones), candles, and some local treats or snacks. When they leave, you can also send them a personalized e-mail, thanking them and encouraging them to return.
Make sure your property is insured–Lastly, you don’t want to hear any news that your condo received some damage while it was being rented. Aside from losing money on having these damages repaired, you’ll also lose business while it is undergoing the necessary repairs. When getting coverage, choose a specific policy that understands you are renting your condo out as a vacation property. This will enable you to protect your interests when a renter accidentally leaves the water running in the bathroom or causes the electrical system to malfunction.